The listing of rental units on this site is a free service provided to Bethune-Cookman University students, faculty and staff. The information contained herein may not accurately and fully reflect the most recent information available or current status of properties listed. The rental property owners are solely responsible for reporting information about their properties. Bethune-Cookman University (B-CU) and Off Campus Partners (OCP) do not review and cannot confirm the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. Potential renters are strongly encouraged to speak with the landlord, property owner and/or property management company, closely inspect the property and surroundings to verify the current status and condition of any property, and review potential leases and contracts thoroughly before signing. B-CU and OCP cannot endorse or proclaim the accuracy of the information of any property or rental units on this website nor the validity of the landlord/owner and its business practices. This information provided is without any warranty, representation, guarantee, or contract intended or implied in any manner or form as to the availability, quality, safety or other features of such property, its owner(s) or management company(ies). B-CU and OCP are not responsible for, nor have any interest in, any of the properties listed through the site. All responsibility for the listings and properties rest with the owners and/or management companies of such information. B-CU and OCP are not responsible for, and cannot be held liable for, any of the information displayed on or through this site, or in printed materials obtained on or through this site or any other entity or portal which may access the information contained herein.